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Geneva Association & NTU collaborate in cyber risk insurance research for Singapore

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 8 years ago

The Geneva Association and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) will work together in cyber risk insurance research. Under the deal The Geneva Association will join the oversight board of NTU’s cyber risk management project (CyRiM) and bolster insurance-related research initiatives through its academic experts and global insurance and risk management networks. CyRiM is a new public-private cooperation between industry, academia and government. 

Launched in May, it looks to bring together an efficient cyber-risk insurance market place by developing cyber loss data and analytics and engaging academics, insurance professionals and IT security experts in research developments. By improving cyber-security understanding, infrastructure and mitigation, it will enable the growth of the cyber risk insurance market by promoting both the demand and supply of insurance coverage. Findings from the research will be distributed between public, private and academic sectors in the form of published papers and a joint Geneva Association-NTU conference.