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Willis Towers Watson and PARIMA launch risk lab series

  • Publish Date: Posted over 7 years ago

Willis Towers Watson and PARIMA have jointly launched an educational lab to further the professional development of risk and insurance executives in APAC. The initiative called the Risk Lab series is a single day event which will be first held on 28 April 2017 in Manila. Covering strategic risk, operational risk, business continuity and human capital risk it will be followed by sessions in Shanghai, Taipei and Singapore. James Matti, head of the Philippines at Willis Towers Watson said, “We are a nation that is constantly exposed to a myriad of risks and Filipino firms have become more sophisticated in their risk mitigation efforts. As analytical brokers, we see the challenges from an increasingly interconnected and diverse risk landscape. Given these complexities within a nation already flagged by UNISDR as one of the top ten countries with the most number of people affected by disasters, the importance of a robust risk management discipline to enable sustainable business growth has never been more critical. As risk industry advocates, we are pleased to partner with PARIMA to provide a professional development pillar for the industry through our Risk Lab workshop.”