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Willis Towers Watson appoints Jackson to lead GB financial lines

  • Publish Date: Posted about 7 years ago

James Jackson has been appointed as head of financial institutions for Great Britain (GB) within Willis Towers Watson’s FINEX division.

FINEX is the financial, executive and professional risk speciality division of Willis Towers Watson’s corporate risk and broking segment.

In his new role, Jackson will lead the GB-based teams that deliver FINEX expertise and products to financial institutions clients across a range of geographies.

Jackson was previously a regional leader within the US FINEX financial institutions team.

He succeeds Paul Search, who has been appointed the division's head of client engagement and risk insight for the rest of the world.

The broker uses the term GB to describe the territorial responsibilities of its UK-based executives, but excludes the UK province of Northern Ireland. Willis coordinates its Northern Irish operations through Dublin, Ireland.