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Allianz opens branch in Beijing

  • Publish Date: Posted over 6 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

Global insurer Allianz has officially opened its branch office in Beijing, China which will bolster its presence spanning China and enhance its ability to serve more customers in the world's fastest growing insurance market.

With a full branch licence granted by the CIRC, Allianz is able to provide its suite of commercial and consumer property and casualty (P&C) solutions to customers in Beijing. This includes travel, personal accident, health and motor insurance, as well as liability, marine, construction, energy, financial lines and trade credit, the company said in a statement.

The Beijing branch will be Allianz China General Insurance’s (AZCN) third branch in the country after Guangdong and Shanghai and, together with its sale services office in Shenzhen, completes Allianz’s P&C coverage across China’s tier-one cities.

At the opening of the Beijing branch, Allianz’s regional CEO for Asia Pacific, Mr George Sartorel, said: “This is a milestone in Allianz’s continued growth in China. As China's political, economic and cultural centre, Beijing represents not only a great opportunity for us to serve the protection needs of more customers and enterprises in China, but also for Allianz to play a bigger role in some of the country’s key agendas, including the Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing, Tianji and Hebei) integration plan and the One Belt One Road initiative.”