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My 6 year anniversary... so what next?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 6 years ago
  • Author:by Sanjeev Vegad

It took one of my colleagues to alert me to the fact that today is my six year anniversary at Eames – time really does fly when you’re having fun!  

If I think back to March 2012, I remember joining a hungry organisation which was about half the size of the company I was leaving. I was also leaving a ‘Manager’ role for a ‘Senior Consultant’ role even though the context of both were quite different.  

What made me make the jump and join Eames? 

I was leaving behind a fantastic group of friends (I had been with my previous company for six years) and a company who had been really good to me and gave me the opportunity to work in various locations including a two-year assignment in Asia.  

Recruitment has changed, however, in the 14 years I have been in it. 

I wanted to work for a company which was a true specialist where the emphasis was on becoming an expert in your space. 

I wanted to be pushed out of my comfort zone. I wanted to have the tools to build what I felt would be a market-leading proposition in my space. Most important of all, I wanted to future-proof myself.  

Eames has delivered on all of those aspects and more. I've progressed from Senior Consultant to Director, promoted to Partner, and been able to enjoy some amazing incentive trips such as Saffron Club in Monaco last year. I’ve also been fortunate enough to work with some amazing colleagues along the way.  

So, what next?

The recruitment landscape demands more today than at any other point in my career to date - and rightly so.  

As in any walk of life, you have to stand out from the rest of the market and differentiate yourself from your competition.  

What is going to allow you to not only to survive but prosper in the coming years – how do you stay relevant and a valuable partner to your clients? At Eames we’ve always challenged ourselves on those questions and we have a market-leading team with a number of talented consultants covering various areas of the insurance market.  

Our reach has grown too with the ability to work with clients in Europe with a dedicated European team as well as in the UK regional markets.  

2017 was a fantastic year for us with a number of promotions in the team highlighting the journey we’re on.  

But we’re not done yet! 

We’re keen to speak with talented individuals from either an insurance or recruitment background, who want to ask themselves similar questions – what’s next?  

For a confidential discussion about career opportunities at Eames, please feel free to contact me on 020 7092 3216 or 07584 358 455 or email me on