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ZhongAn Technology creates first one-stop claims service platform for insurers

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 6 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary ZhongAn Technology has launched China's first one-stop claims service e-platform for insurers.

The largest foreign P&C insurer in China, AXA Tianping, has become the first insurance company to join this intelligent open platform for insurers.

The platform adopts SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) for insurance claims services and brings more convenient, accurate and efficient insurance data services at a lower cost to the domestic insurance market. It helps insurance companies considerably reduce the costs of system development and operation.

In the medical insurance field, ZhongAn Technology has accumulated data covering 70 percent of the latest medical insurance directory and 180,000 drug databases, with connections to hundreds of hospitals across the country. Building on this foundation, ZhongAn Technology launched the service platform based on in-depth analysis, consolidation and value exploration of medical data.

AXA Tianping chief claims office, Yang Yong, believes the platform will facilitate innovative upgrading of insurance claims services, which will better answer the needs of the market.

By introducing the platform, ZhongAn Technology helps insurers by; providing direct access to medical records from medical institutions, offering simple and convenient online services with a comprehensive medical insurance repository, facilitating appropriate compensation by insurance companies and providing risk management services covering claims.

At present, ZhongAn Technology has signed agreements with 10 insurers, including Hengqin Life Insurance, Jixiang Life Insurance, and some third party health insurance management companies. Over 300 claims reviews are conducted on a daily basis by each of the insurance companies.

Meanwhile, ZhongAn Technology is co-operating with a few provincial health and family planning commissions to provide medical data management and claims services for over 100 hospitals nationwide, as well as consolidating resources of health examination providers to offer a comprehensive and quality service experience for China’s insurance industry. Furthermore, ZhongAn Technology has worked closely with more than 30 medical resources channels including hospital information systems providers like Hangzhou Venture and Winning, covering medical institutions in first and second tier cities in China.