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Hyperion Atlantic Challenge achieves new world records and raises over £170,000 for charity

  • Publish Date: Posted over 5 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

Hyperion Insurance Group announces in a press release that RKH Speciality’s Alex Simpson and crewmate Jamie Gordon have rowed across the Atlantic in a time of 37 days, 17 hours and 42 minutes breaking the world record for the fastest recorded two-man Atlantic crossing while Simpson becomes the youngest person to row across three oceans at 27 years old.

Since beginning their journey in Gran Canaria on Tuesday 29 January the pair have roughly covered 4,800km to reach their destination in pursuit of their record-breaking goal.

The Hyperion Atlantic Challenge has raised £170,742 for Hyperion’s Million for a Million initiative which aims to raise US $1mn over the course of the year for global and local charities.

On arrival in Barbados, Simpson said: “Jamie and I never hesitated in our determination and self-belief that together we would break this challenging record.”

Dominic Collins, chairman of Hyperion added: “I am delighted that Alex and Jamie have landed safely and succeeded in spite of difficult weather conditions in breaking the record. The physical and mental strength demonstrated by Alex and Jamie during this challenge has been truly inspirational and we should be justly proud of them for their outstanding achievement.”