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International Women's Day 2019 - Abigail Lee

  • Publish Date: Posted over 5 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

This International Women's Day, we interviewed some of our team asking them how the recruitment industry is changing to drive a #BalanceforBetter and the advice they would you give aspiring women in the recruitment industry today. 

Meet Abigail Lee, a senior consultant in our banking team in Singapore.

What are your secrets to having a successful recruitment career?

Keep close to all my contacts in the industry even though I might or might not have immediate roles for them. I hope to be more like a friend/consultant to them to help them with their job search process. Having a good reputation in the market and strong relationships with my contacts will go a long way, as I do find them referring many friends to me thereafter.

Within your market / industry sector, what are your clients doing to achieve a #BalanceforBetter?

Across the entire industry, most of the banks have been very active in ensuring that there is a balance of male and female bankers by encouraging us to send across varying profiles. Candidates are also recognized based on their capabilities as I have placed an equal ratio of male and female bankers in the last 2 years.

In your opinion how has the increase in gender balance and D&I affected the recruitment market?

We are even more encouraged to send across a spectrum of profiles – but usually bankers are shortlisted based on their capabilities and less so on gender/etc.

What advice would you give aspiring women in the recruitment industry? 

Recruitment is a very fulfilling job as you become like a consultant to job seekers in both their career and personal areas. As you will end up forging long term meaningful relationships with many industry contacts, stay focused on your own personal growth and don’t let your own beliefs limit yourself.

Every day is a different day in recruitment; it’s important to stay resilient and keep pushing through no matter what.

How do you achieve work life balance? 

I ensure to always find time to exercise – I organize weekly Thursday run sessions with a group of runners in the Singapore Office – as such we get to knock off on time and also try to head off for some team bonding activities (dinner/drinks) after!

Who inspires you and why?

My mum, who is also my best friend. Despite having a full time job, she’s also the main caregiver for my dad and also ensures that everything at home is in order. She has never once complained on her busy schedule and instead always wears a bright smile on her face. Her positive energy is infectious and I hope to be able to give back to my family and society in the future.