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International Women's Day 2019 - Danielle Rainert

  • Publish Date: Posted over 5 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

This International Women's Day, we interviewed some of our team asking them how the recruitment industry is changing to drive a #BalanceforBetter and the advice they would you give aspiring women in the recruitment industry today. 

Meet Danielle Rainert, our head of people and performance in London.

What are your secrets to having a successful recruitment career?

Taking accountability for your own success; learning from the people around you, looking for new ways to approach core activities such as business development, continually asking yourself if you are adding value to your client and candidates beyond filling vacancies

Within your market / industry sector, what are your clients doing to achieve a #BalanceforBetter?

Flexible working hours and locations, return to work schemes for parents, better general understanding of work life balance and supporting people with their personal goals as well as professional.

In your opinion how has the increase in gender balance and D&I affected the recruitment market?

I think people are a little unsure and cautions around D&I, businesses are still trying to navigate the D&I landscape and work out what their “authentic messages” are and how they can be part of the conversation themselves, as well as effectively meet the requirements of their clients and advise them on D&I without overstepping the boundaries and opening themselves up to liability. I think good recruitment agencies will embrace D&I without trying to “cash in” on it too much, having a genuine message is key.

What advice would you give aspiring women in the recruitment industry? 

Don’t focus too much on being a woman in the recruitment industry; whilst there may be some gender differences in some agencies, if you’re working for the right ones then you shouldn’t really need to focus on your gender, or make any allowances for it.

Who inspires you and why?

Anyone who manages a work life/career and has children at home, working more closely with a working mum recently has made me realise that she basically has 2 jobs.