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Are you making your candidates jump through too many hoops?

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 5 years ago
  • Author:by Jonathan Mills

What do you remember the interview processes involving? Did you have to attend multiple stages of face to face and panel interviews, presentation tasks and for some, assessment centres for graduates entering large scale corporations. Has it all become too intricate? Are we not only seeing an upgrade in how companies run but also how they interview candidates?

Unsurprising to most of you, millennial's are baffled by how complex and drawn-out the recruitment process can be. We are in a world where the norm is demanding everything ten times faster and for it all to be twice as efficient. Professionals dominating the insurance, financial and technology sectors are used to having their lives configured online and messaging via apps.

What are candidates expecting?

High demand technical talent value their time above all else. Do not be mistaken, these candidates are fully aware their skill sets are becoming increasingly sought after, especially as companies are replacing their legacy policies to keep up to date with the modern market. It is the case of mirroring the whole recruitment process to match the fast paced and evolving technology industry.

Companies that do not move with the trends will be missing out on the brightest Java, IOS and Software Developer talent who, by the time you have replied confirming you want to interview them, they have already accepted a new job that kept their process simple and to the point.

My findings within this sector

I have the pleasure of immersing myself in this new industry within my career and it is evident that every aspect of a business needs to be updated, not just the technology programming used behind the scenes. Coming from a contract recruitment background which usually consists of one phone call interview to confirm a candidate start date, it is a different ball game when trying to keep that efficient, result driven and timely relationship between clients and candidates within permanent processes. 

The two main ‘inconvenient’ points for candidates;

  • Too many interview stages
  • Long response times from companies following interviews and assessments

For developers especially, including a test or presentation in the process is a sure-fire way to checking a professional’s skill set. It is not surprising though that many developers feel taking the time around their current role to create a presentation and then not receive the job offer is a waste. However? I have found that phone interviews generally help to narrow down the select few that have a good shot at landing the position.

How can you implement this knowledge into your way of interviewing? 

It is important to remember that there has been a shift in what companies consider as a ‘perfect fit’ for a role. There is less of a focus on previous industry exposure and qualifications, but more on the years of physical experience with the technology that speaks volumes.

For a lot of candidates that work within this sector and across multiple industries, what they studied during school, college and university, more often than not is different to their chosen career. Primarily due to the different technology used when they were in education and the progression of the industry since then. Being given the chance to be recognised for what they have practiced and had hands on experience in opens up your candidate pool to a wide range of professionals that bring a dynamic and insightful approach to your positions

It is vital to remember that you are giving an impression of your company and your culture from the first point of interaction. Tech savvy, in demand candidates will be looking for a team they can join that is keeping up with the digital world and can provide for them the opportunity to be a part of it. Even if you are at the beginning of the change in your technological thinking and cultural approach as a company, fill your candidates in from the beginning. Let them know what they can expect and where their input will be required – professionals want to know you see them as part of the integral fit to their progression.

With regards to interviews, consider doing less of them per candidate, but planning and filling the time with every essential detail you need so the candidate feels well managed, informed and excited about the prospect of working with you.