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The undeniable love affair between Software Engineers and Singapore

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 5 years ago
  • Author:by Faisal Yaqoob

The attraction Singapore offers for tech firms, entrepreneurs and powerhouse companies has passed on its desirable qualities to Software Engineers.

Some of the biggest tech companies in the world have made Singapore their base of operations, along with some of Silicon Valley’s finest giants such as Amazon, Dell, Visa and Apple who are now hiring in Singapore. Grab taxi, Southeast Asia’s largest transportation digital network relocated its HQ there in 2014, and their company is going from strength to strength.

It is because Singapore is abundant with tech opportunities. There is a huge demand for Software Engineers and candidates are being sourced both from abroad and locally. There is currently a prediction of 50,000 IT/Software roles that will be created over the next few years in Singapore.

To put it simply, it has great talent. These companies see the quality of candidates that are in the country and realise it is a guaranteed investment to set up shop in the region. We are seeing more and more tech companies establishing themselves in Singapore, and building relationships with key recruitment partners, to support sourcing this desirable local tech talent.

We know why the companies are moving here; but why are the Software Engineers ensuring they are ready and waiting for these opportunities?

It all comes around full circle

With any new technology, there is a knock-on effect… of what? Singapore is on an incline towards its goal of becoming an innovation-led, high functioning economy, that will continue to be a compelling location for global tech companies.

Singapore’s Smart Nation vision is supported by a growing and thriving eco-system of SME’s, government initiatives, big tech giants and universities all investing in the latest technological research.

This knock-on effect will have a substantial impact on the recruitment sector and the demand for quality candidates will continue to rise. This virtuous circle will attract more companies who are drawn to the growth of the economy, candidates who want to be a part of the future and in turn more jobs will become available.

High quality talent has found the full package

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the best and brightest will want to move to Singapore. Firstly, for job satisfaction and the chance to work in an industry that has an influx of start-ups and tech companies who are offering the chance to work on interesting projects. Secondly a quality of life - a digital life - in a country that is serious about tech for providing a sustainable and prosperous way of living.

Although Singapore is considered more expensive to live compared to other countries, the matter of fact is the benefits far outweigh the costs. There is a reason a tech hub like Switzerland for example, although not cheap to live in, is attracting a lot of professionals wanting to relocate, purely for the abundant opportunities.

An IMD study pronounced Singapore as Asia’s top location for talent, and along with its political stability and its governments unquestionable support for innovation. Singapore has a thriving talent pool and it is testament to why people are eager to move there from all over the globe.

How long will this love affair last?

How long will Singapore remain attractive to the globes best and brightest tech superstars? Singapore must cultivate a healthy balance of utilising local talent, and complementing them with talent from overseas.

Singapore in no way needs to compete against other countries. It just needs to nurture and grow its own unique offering to the technology world and offer stability in an evolving industry. Singapore can find that thriving balance of being a tech innovation leader and a country that will sustain this progression for the foreseeable future.