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[BLOG] Why is Hong Kong seeing an increase in cyber-attacks?

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 5 years ago
  • Author:by Robyn Charter

Hong Kong is a country climbing its way up the technology ladder and expanding the capabilities of their infrastructure. The need for experienced and diligent cybersecurity professionals is vital. 

The country is accepting the compulsory measures it must put in place to protect its information, however, this threat is not limited to the economic damages, for example hacks on private information, but is expanding its reach to impact foreign and security policies.

Those behind cyber-attacks are smart, there is no denying it. Rogue hackers with no particular scope of specialised skills are finding it easier to remain undetected as technology is making more information public and creating multiple connections between companies and individuals.

The banking sector is taking the full force of an increase in attacks, especially from online scams such as phishing emails, fake banking websites and false banking apps, the industry has seen a year on year increase in incidents.

Even by looking at the numbers for 2016 through to 2018, the challenges organisations can be expecting are going to be near enough unmanageable. A frustrating setback for any company that is striving to make technological leaps is to then have it stripped away by a cyber-attack.

The only way to manage your business against the threat of cyber-attacks is to stay up to date with security updates and understand how to look for future threats. Take a step back and take in the bigger picture of where the holes are in your security measures. As the digital landscape continues to evolve at pace, there will always be those looking to exploit these changes. Critically, you need a diligent, commercially-focused cybersecurity team to manage you through threats and opportunities the market presents.