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Aspen Insurance names Andrew Kudera as EVP & group chief actuary

  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

Aspen Insurance Holdings has appointed Andrew Kudera as executive vice president and group chief actuary, effective 3 February 2020.

He brings 4 decades of actuarial experience in the (re)insurance industry to Aspen. Prior to this he managed his own consulting business and served as executive vice president and group chief actuary at Validus Group from 2010.

Kudera will succeed Paul Frydas, who is set to assume the new role of chief analytics officer and lead strategic pricing, aggregation management and modelling.

Frydas will remain chief actuary for Aspen Insurance UK Limited, Aspen Managing Agency Limited and Aspen Bermuda Limited.

Mark Cloutier, executive chairman and group chief executive officer, commented: “Welcoming industry leading experts of Andy’s quality to our team increases our capabilities, allowing us to transform our business, simplify and enhance our operations, and increase accountability across these functions.”

“Andy’s capabilities and fresh perspective, paired with Paul’s considerable expertise and experience, will create a strong partnership across complimentary disciplines.”