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We're in this together

  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago

In these uncertain times, it’s imperative that we are following the advice and guidance of Public Health England, the UK Government and the World Health Organisation.

To preserve the health and wellbeing of our employees; our UK colleagues are all working remotely.

When working remotely, like you, we are challenged with staying connected - as a team, and with our clients and candidates. Though in this new normalcy, recruitment is, and still will be, very much a ‘people’ business, and we’re committed to ensuring we continue to build and nurture our relationships.

Our high levels of service and quality of delivery will always remain a priority, and rest assured, we have the infrastructure and technology to support our clients and candidates when working remotely.

I would also like to extend a personal thank you to our operations team who have almost seamlessly managed to get the entire UK business online from their own homes in a matter of days. To our leadership team, who have collectively shown their commitment to pushing forward in this uncertain time. To our Consultants, a big thank you for your patience, your positivity and your continued team spirit.  And lastly, to our clients, candidates and suppliers; thank you for continuing to trust us and for your commitment and loyalty.

Be safe and keep positive. We’re in this together.

-Matthew Eames