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Has 2020 finally forced D&I to the top of the agenda?

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
  • Author:by Sarah Roebuck

Diversity and inclusion have been quickly rising up the corporate agenda in recent years. As well as the undisputed moral argument, companies are increasingly becoming aware of the fact that diversity is actually good for business.

Dive In – the festival for diversity and inclusion in insurance kicks off this week and this year’s event highlights the urgent need for companies to give diversity and inclusion (D&I) their full attention, especially in times of crisis. There is no argument that 2020 has demonstrated more political and econmoical turmoial than most can recall, couplied with surmounting equality and racial activism than we've seen in years.  

In a year when we've seen the effects of Covid, and the outpouring of support for Black Lives Matter, the barriers between business and society have begun to break down, and equality issues have been forced to the top of the agenda.

#DiveIn2020 highlights the business case for diverse and inclusive workplaces and provides inspiration for how to bring about positive change.  

Where can we start? 

Awareness is critical, but it’s also important that companies understand that whilst diversity and inclusion are interconnected, they aren’t one and the same and each have their own meanings. As Verna Myers famously said, "Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance."

Diversity is often described as the who or the what. It represents the full spectrum of human demographic differences -- race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status or physical disability.

Inclusion is more the how - creating a culture that welcomes and embraces diversity, where employees feel like they belong and feel respected. Where they feel valued and encouraged to fully participate.

DiveIn Festival, this year, will no doubt be pushing the "people first" message. It will highlight how diversity can support innovation, overcoming crisis and siezing opportunities and will provide us with some concrete steps for lasting change. 

Over the course of this week, we'll be sharing articles and stories that are helping amplify the voices that are pushing for change in our sector. Follow us on LinkedIn to join the conversation.