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HDI Global announces expansion of management team

  • Publish Date: Posted over 3 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

HDI Global has announced the expansion of its management team with the appointments of Mark Appleton and Thomas Stamm both reporting to Dr Mukadder Erdönmez, a member of the HDI Global SE Executive Board.

Appleton, current director global and major risks HDI Global UK & Ireland and Thomas Stamm, current chief underwriting officer at HDI Global in Switzerland will join the management of the liability line (underwriting). Appleton will join the liability management team from 1 April 2021 and Thomas Stamm from 1 March 2021.

They will extend the central management of Liability Underwriting, and will succeed Ulrich Schulz (Strategic Steering, Governance & Risk) and Peter Tillmans (Global Risks) who will continue to be part of the new management team, which will be completed by Dietmar Illemann (Claims).    

In future, the Liability Line be steered from Hannover, London and Zurich.

In his new role, Stamm will take over management of the European liability portfolio (excluding UK & Ireland) of HDI Global and Appleton will have responsibility for managing the liability portfolio outside of Europe (but including UK & Ireland). Both will remain at their current locations in Zürich and London respectively.

Dr Erdönmez said: “HDI’s Liability Line forms the nucleus of the entire Talanx Group to which we belong. More than one hundred years ago, representatives of the German iron and steel industry founded the Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie as a mutual liability insurance association, so that the insurer could offer the representatives liability cover at attractive conditions.

“Today, this still remains our function. We carry this out wherever our customers are. This used to be primarily in Germany. Today, our customers have locations throughout the world. We want to be there as well. That’s why we are expanding the management team of this traditional line and putting it on an international footing. This is an important signal for HDI and for our customers.”

Claire McDonald, managing director HDI UK & Ireland, said: “Mark has known the international world of industrial liability insurance for more than thirty years and he is outstandingly networked in the London market. I’m delighted that he is making another career step in the HDI Group. This is an important signal for HDI and for our customers.”

Marc Luginbühl, managing director HDI Switzerland, added: “Thomas has more than thirty years of professional experience in underwriting of industrial liability risks for national and multinational companies. I am confident that our European liability customers will derive a great deal of benefit from his great level of expertise.”