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LMG appoints Caroline Wagstaff as interim chief executive officer

  • Publish Date: Posted over 3 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

London Market Group (LMG) has announced the appointment of Caroline Wagstaff as interim chief executive officer from 1 April 2021.

Wagstaff will be seconded on a part time basis till the end of 2021, replacing outgoing CEO Clare Lebecq.

Matthew Moore, chairman of the LMG commented: “We are delighted that Caroline is joining us. With over 20 years’ experience working in the London Market, her understanding of and commitment to it will be invaluable in helping us to shape and deliver the LMG’s agenda in the coming year.”

Wagstaff said: “I am a passionate advocate for the London Market, and the LMG has a unique role as the only forum that can help to articulate, debate and take action on the key topics that affect everyone across the market. I am delighted to be taking over from Clare, building on the great work she has done, and excited to work with all our stakeholders to enhance the market’s reputation and help drive future growth and success.”

Wagstaff will remain as a director of communications agency Luther Pendragon.