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Considering that overdue job change?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago
  • Author:by Abigail Lee

It is the same nagging thought at the back of your mind, but it has never been the right time. Or is there really such a thing as the right time?

Studies in the last few years have shown that almost half of the Singapore working population have been unhappy at work, stemming from the lack of recognition and challenge being the top two factors amongst many others. Ideally, we would have opportunities for a job change each time we feel dissatisfied but personal circumstances may stand in the way.

When should one then decide to take the plunge?

1. You feel unmotivated

It was your dream job but now you find yourself dreading Mondays and dragging yourself to work, questioning if this is what you will be doing for the foreseeable future.

It has developed into this comfortable routine and you no longer feel challenged. Instead, you start losing interest in what you do. Understandably, people grow and circumstances change. Most of us try to seek self-improvement in various ways.

You might also have tried voicing it out to your managers but for certain reasons which could be beyond them, it has been status quo and there is no end in sight.

2. You do not feel valued

You have put in long hours and made sacrifices at the expense of your family time or personal well-being. To validate this, you might have asked for a promotion, a salary increment or some form of recognition.

While one can try to understand how certain organizations are more bureaucratic when it comes to promotions and salary adjustments, clarity should be sought in terms of timelines beyond verbal promises.

 The typical workday should also be a good indication of how your employer and manager value you – do they express gratitude for your work and show interest in helping you and developing your career? Or are you constantly under the brunt of criticism? Whether it is the overall company culture or something specific to your superiors, it is definitely something that is worth evaluating.

3. Your job is affecting your mental health

According to recent surveys, more than 90% of Singaporeans are facing work-related stress. The pandemic could have contributed to this.

It might be the never-ending to-do list coupled with a manager’s expectations to deliver within an unrealistic timeline, or the unnecessary criticisms that have spiralled into personal attacks that have led to self-doubt and uncertainty.

Poor mental health can be deduced from issues such as a lack of energy, difficulty in sleeping or anxiety attacks, just to name a few. This is not uncommon and has to be acknowledged and addressed regardless of the situation.

If you identify with the above, could it be time for a new challenge? It is important to have a good sense of the recruitment market and consistent changes such as title and salary benchmarking as well as current movements in the sector.

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