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Buy-side Market & Salary Report - UK 2022

  • Publish Date: Posted 9 months ago
  • Author:by Glen Roberts

To say 2021 was a whirlwind of a year is an understatement and I don’t think many firms would have predicted the extent of hiring and movement of people that occurred.

There was a sense of renewed confidence at the start of the year with multiple reasons why it was likely the economy would re-bound quickly from the doldrums of 2020: Brexit was ‘done’, the Covid-19 vaccine was going to be rolled out at breakneck speed allowing for a quicker reopening of the economy and society, M&A activity was expected to surge, and private equity was poised to finally start spending some of that dry powder. This sense of optimism allowed organisations to plan ahead for the first time in years from a resourcing perspective, which ultimately fuelled a busy and noisy recruitment market.

Request a copy of our Buy-side Market and Salary report covering data gathered from candidate and new vacancy registrations across fund finance, corporate accounting, middle office, compliance and financial crime and In-house legal.